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In the ever-evolving world of materials science, polycarbonate plastic has emerged as a game-changer. From its discovery in the mid-20th century, this versatile plastic material has made its mark in various industries and everyday applications.

In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of polycarbonate, its unique properties, applications, and the reasons why it has become an indispensable material in the Australian market.

The Birth of Polycarbonate

Many individuals wonder what polycarbonate is? Polycarbonate, often called PC, was first synthesised in 1953 by Dr Hermann Schnell and Dr Hermann Bottenbruch at Bayer AG, a German chemical company. The initial intention was to develop a heat-resistant material for military applications.

However, the researchers stumbled upon a revolutionary discovery. Polycarbonate is a thermoplastic which can be heated and moulded into various shapes without losing its inherent properties.

It quickly gained recognition for its incredible strength and transparency. Since then, polycarbonate has undergone extensive research and development, further improving its properties and manufacturing techniques.

Unravelling Polycarbonate's Properties

Polycarbonate boasts a remarkable combination of properties, making it an ideal choice for numerous applications. Firstly, it is incredibly durable and impact-resistant. In fact, it is known to be around 200 times stronger than glass, making it virtually unbreakable. This property and its exceptional toughness have led to its wide usage in safety equipment, automotive components, and construction materials.

Secondly, polycarbonate exhibits excellent optical clarity. It allows up to 90% of light transmission, comparable to glass. Its transparency, coupled with its high impact strength and chemical resistance, has led to its ubiquitous use in eyewear, protective face shields, and architectural glazing.

Moreover, polycarbonate offers excellent thermal stability, withstanding a wide temperature range from -135°C to 135°C (-211°F to 275°F). This characteristic, combined with its resistance to UV radiation, makes it suitable for outdoor applications such as signage, automotive parts, and greenhouse panels.

Advantages of Polycarbonate


Polycarbonate's exceptional impact resistance is one of its standout features. It is around 200 times stronger than glass, making it virtually unbreakable. This property ensures enhanced safety in applications where impact resistance is crucial, such as safety equipment, automotive components, and construction materials.


Polycarbonate offers excellent optical clarity, allowing up to 90% of light transmission, comparable to glass. Its transparency makes it ideal for applications where visibility or aesthetics are necessary, such as eyewear, protective face shields, architectural glazing, and packaging.


Polycarbonate is highly durable and long-lasting. It can withstand harsh environmental conditions, including UV radiation, without degradation. Its resistance to chemicals, impact, and abrasion ensures it maintains its integrity over time, reducing the need for frequent replacements.


Despite its exceptional strength, polycarbonate is lightweight. This property is particularly advantageous in industries such as automotive and construction, where reducing weight contributes to fuel efficiency, ease of installation, and overall structural integrity.

Thermal stability

Polycarbonate exhibits excellent thermal stability, withstanding a wide temperature range from -135°C to 135°C. This property makes it suitable for applications in extreme environments and outdoor settings. It can endure temperature fluctuations without compromising its mechanical and optical properties.

Design flexibility

Polycarbonate's thermoplastic nature allows it to be easily moulded into varying shapes and sizes, making it highly versatile in design applications. It can be injection moulded, blow moulded, and thermoformed, enabling complex designs and customisation options.

Applications of Polycarbonate

The versatility of polycarbonate has made it a favourite choice across numerous industries in Australia. Let's explore some of its diverse applications:


Polycarbonate's high strength, lightweight, and impact resistance have made it popular in construction. It is commonly used for roofing, skylights, wall cladding, and sound barriers. Its UV resistance ensures long-lasting performance even in harsh Australian weather conditions.


Polycarbonate has revolutionised the automotive industry by replacing traditional glass in various components. It is used for windshields, side windows, headlight lenses, and interior trim due to its lightweight nature and exceptional impact resistance, enhancing safety and fuel efficiency.


The electrical insulation properties of polycarbonate, coupled with its flame retardancy, make it an excellent choice for electronic applications. It is widely used in connectors, switches, LED lighting, and consumer electronics.


Polycarbonate's biocompatibility and transparency have found extensive usage in the medical field. It is utilised in medical devices, including surgical instruments, diagnostic equipment, and drug delivery systems.


Polycarbonate's toughness, clarity, and ability to withstand adverse temperatures make it an ideal choice for food containers, beverage bottles, and reusable packaging.

Sports and recreation

Polycarbonate's impact resistance and optical clarity have made it a preferred material for safety equipment like helmets, goggles, and visors. It is also used in sports arenas for protection.

Future Trends

Advanced coatings

Researchers and manufacturers are exploring advanced coating technologies to enhance the surface properties of polycarbonate. These coatings aim to improve scratch resistance, anti-glare properties, and self-cleaning capabilities.

By strengthening the surface characteristics, polycarbonate can be applied in more demanding applications where clarity, durability, and aesthetics are crucial.

Nanotechnology integration

The integration of nanoparticles into polycarbonate is an area of active research. Nanoparticles, such as graphene or carbon nanotubes, can be incorporated into the material to further enhance its mechanical, thermal, and optical properties.

This integration can improve strength, conductivity, flame retardancy, and UV resistance, opening up new possibilities for advanced applications in electronics, aerospace, and other industries.

Sustainable solutions

With increasing emphasis on sustainability, there is a growing focus on developing bio-based and recycled polycarbonate (PC). Bio-based polycarbonate is derived from renewable resources, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Recycled polycarbonate utilises post-consumer or post-industrial waste, promoting a circular economy. These sustainable solutions aim to minimise environmental impact and create more eco-friendly alternatives without compromising performance.

3D printing

Polycarbonate is becoming an increasingly popular material for 3D printing due to its excellent mechanical properties and high heat resistance. Developing advanced 3D printing techniques and technologies enables the production of complex and customised polycarbonate parts for various industries. This trend is revolutionising the manufacturing processes and offers new design and production flexibility opportunities.

Factors Hindering Polycarbonate Roofing Durability

While polycarbonate roofing materials offer numerous advantages, such as high impact resistance and transparency, certain factors can hinder their durability over time. It is essential to be aware of these factors to ensure the long-term performance and reliability of polycarbonate roofing. Let's explore some of the critical elements:

UV radiation

Polycarbonate can be susceptible to degradation when exposed to prolonged UV radiation. Over time, UV rays can cause discolouration, yellowing, and loss of transparency in polycarbonate roofing. This can affect the aesthetic appeal, the material's mechanical properties, and overall durability.

To mitigate this, it is essential to choose polycarbonate roofing materials with UV protective coatings or consider applying UV-resistant coatings to enhance their resistance to UV radiation.

Chemical exposure

Certain chemicals, such as strong solvents, acids, and alkalis, can adversely affect the durability of polycarbonate roofing. Chemical exposure can cause chemical reactions, leading to discolouration, surface degradation, or even structural damage. It is crucial to avoid contact with incompatible chemicals and ensure proper maintenance and cleaning practices to prevent chemical damage.

Improper installation

Improper installation techniques can compromise the durability of polycarbonate roofing materials. Insufficient fastening, incorrect spacing, or inadequate sealing can result in leaks, water infiltration, or wind damage.

Following the manufacturer's guidelines and consulting with professionals is essential to ensure proper installation techniques are employed. This includes using appropriate fasteners and sealants and guaranteeing a good overlap of drainage systems to maintain the integrity and longevity of the roofing system.

Mechanical impact

While polycarbonate sheeting is highly impact-resistant, severe or repeated mechanical impacts can cause damage. Falling debris, heavy hailstorms, or accidental impact from maintenance activities can lead to cracks, fractures, or punctures in the roofing material. Regular inspections and prompt repairs or replacements of damaged sections are necessary to prevent further deterioration and maintain the roof's durability.

Thermal expansion and contraction

Polycarbonate roofing materials can experience thermal expansion and contraction due to temperature fluctuations. This can result in stress on the material, potentially leading to warping, buckling, or structural issues.

Proper design considerations, such as allowing for thermal movement and providing adequate expansion joints, can help mitigate these effects and ensure the long-term durability of the roofing system.

To overcome these factors and maximise the durability of polycarbonate roofing materials, it is crucial to:

  • Choose high-quality polycarbonate roofing products with UV-protective coatings.
  • Follow proper installation techniques and seek professional assistance when needed.
  • Regularly inspect the roofing system for any signs of damage or deterioration.
  • Implement appropriate maintenance practices, including cleaning and avoiding chemical exposure.
  • Address any issues promptly to prevent additional damage and ensure the roof's longevity.

By understanding and addressing these considerations, you can ensure that your polycarbonate roofing materials maintain their durability and provide reliable protection for your property over the long term.

Get Expert Assistance Navigating Polycarbonates 

In conclusion, polycarbonate is a remarkable material that has revolutionised various industries and everyday applications. Its unique combination of properties, including impact resistance, transparency, durability, and thermal stability, make it an ideal option for a broad range of uses in the Australian market.

However, it is essential to note that while polycarbonate offers numerous advantages, its proper utilisation requires expertise and knowledge. When considering using polycarbonate in specific applications, it is advisable to seek the guidance of experts in the field.

Professionals specialising in materials science, engineering, or relevant industries can provide valuable insights and help ensure the optimal selection, design, and implementation of polycarbonate solutions. Working with experts can help you navigate the vast array of options, understand the specific requirements of your project or application, and make informed decisions regarding material selection, manufacturing techniques, and performance expectations.

They can offer recommendations on product specifications, quality standards, and safety considerations, ensuring that you achieve the desired outcomes while adhering to industry regulations and best practices.

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